From S1 - S3 in English we continue to follow the Broad General Education (BGE) course for English that our learners will have begun in primary school. In each year pupils will cover all four areas of English: Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening and will read a variety of different texts. We aim to cover traditional texts as well as media and advertising in order to expose pupils to a wide range of materials. Throughout their learning, we encourage pupils to read as widely as possible to help develop their understanding of literature as well as their creativity.

In S1 all pupils have been given a log in for Accelerated Reader and are encouraged to read at school and at home and log this on the web site to track their progress.

All S1 and S2 English classes have a weekly reading period where they can either borrow from the school library or bring a book in from home to read.

Homework: From January 2018 all pupils in the BGE will receive a weekly homework task from their teacher - this will be issued on Show My Homework and pupils will have 1 week to complete and return this to their teacher.  If pupils are unable to access Show My Homework please ask class teacher for assistance.